Other sign-ups

Click here to sign up for Jag Cup 2023

Format to be finalized pending signups.  But likely to have same format as 2021 & 2022:
semfinals on Dec 2 & 3; finals on Dec 10

Jag Cup sign-up 2023 (Responses)

Click here to donate to Riverside Park Conservancy in honor of "Geezer FC"

Please consider donating what you can to the Riverside Park Conservancy.

We'd love to get 100% Geezer participation for whatever you can afford.

$50+ donations will also make you a member of the Riverside Park Conservancy.

Click on the green Donate button at the top of the homepage.

Select Membership

Then click on the amount you want to donate (or fill in Other Amount)

Then click on the box saying "in honor or memory of someone" and write in GEEZER FC

Deductions are fully tax deductible and they accept credit cards.